ICS is a program that Supportive Housing providers may consider providing to the populations they serve. Additionally, if you are a homeless and housing provider with a client on the BI, CAC, CADI or DD waiver and you would like to connect them to an ICS setting, please find information on those settings here and here.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions from the ICS DHS website you might find helpful. See the full list here.
What is Integrated Community Supports (ICS)?
ICS is a 245D-licensed service that helps fill identified service gaps for adults on the Brain Injury (BI), Community Alternative Care (CAC), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) and Developmental Disabilities (DD) waivers. ICS supports people who choose to live and receive services in a supported apartment setting. An ICS setting is a multi-family housing building (e.g., apartment building) in which the provider has direct or indirect control over the person’s living unit. This means the provider owns, operates or leases the living units in the setting.
ICS provides supports and training in four community living service categories:
- Community participation
- Health, safety and wellness
- Household management
- Adaptive skills
For more information, refer to CBSM – ICS.
Did ICS replace another service?
No. ICS is a new service for people on the BI and CADI waivers as of January 2021 and for people on the CAC and DD waivers as of January 2023.
Are ICS settings eligible for Housing Support?
Yes. The lead agency manages Housing Support for ICS settings. The ICS provider should work with the local lead agency if they have questions about Housing Support applications. For more information, refer to DHS – Housing Support.
Who can provide ICS?
ICS is an intensive 245D-licensed service. For more information, refer to the provider standards and qualifications section on CBSM – ICS.
If a person currently receives Customized Living, do they have to transition to ICS?
No. A person receiving customized living is not required to transition to ICS if the setting continues to be licensed as an assisted living setting. If the setting transitions to an ICS setting, a person must either transition to ICS, choose other services from a different provider that doesn’t control the setting or move to an assisted living setting to continue receiving customized living. For information about how to transition from a customized living setting to an ICS setting, refer to CBSM – ICS transition plans.
Who is responsible for paying rent at an ICS setting?
People who live in ICS settings are responsible to pay costs associated with rent and utilities with any public assistance for which they may be eligible (e.g., Housing Support, Section 8, energy assistance, etc.) and their personal funds.
If the ICS provider has a master lease and subleases units, the provider is responsible to ensure the rent is paid. The master lease agreement must clearly define responsibilities for rent payments to the property manager at the time the ICS provider develops the ICS setting.
What happens if a person living in an ICS setting decides they want to stop receiving ICS services? Can they continue to reside in their living unit?
If a person decides to terminate ICS services with the provider who controls the setting, the person has the right to continue living in the unit according to their lease agreement.
The person cannot receive ICS services from another provider who does not control the setting. However, the person can choose to receive other services from a provider who does not control the setting.
Where can I find the full ICS services policy?
Right here! This policy includes definitions, eligibility, covered and non-covered services, setting requirement, site-specific review process, and provider standards, qualifications and requirements